About Avant STAMP for Latin

Avant STAMP for Latin is a proficiency test evaluating the Reading skill. This computer-adaptive reading assessment uses Classical Latin texts which would have been (or were) used for communication in the Ancient World. 

The results report on the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines from Novice-Low through Advanced-High and will follow the formatting and structure of all STAMP Reading tests. It is designed in partnership with Latin language teachers and education experts.

STAMP for Latin Sample Test


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Credit by Exam

Avant STAMP for Latin helps learners earn world language high school or college credits. Increase access and equity to higher-level courses and programs by offering the Avant STAMP for Latin test!

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Place with Confidence

By delivering accurate data on test takers’ Latin language proficiency levels, Avant STAMP for Latin can help place students with some Latin language skills into appropriate class levels.

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Demonstrate Program Quality

Avant STAMP for Latin provides constructive analysis and data for program development. This enables educators to improve language learning outcomes and make more informed decisions on curriculum and training.

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We continuously work to improve our safeguards for testing, test taker data, and proctoring integrity. Avant is compliant with the current data privacy laws and security requirements. Learn more about our Test Security and Integrity.

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Earn a Seal of Biliteracy

STAMP for Latin is approved for the Global Seal of Biliteracy and many State Seals of Biliteracy! Test takers can showcase their skills in college applications, on social media, and to prospective employers.

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Integrated with Clever and ClassLink

Clever and ClassLink are single sign-on (SSO) integrations that make rostering your test takers quick, easy, and more secure. Using these integrations means profile information is consistent. This ensures the ability to compare learner test results quickly and efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

Avant STAMP for Latin is not timed. Test takers may pause and resume the assessment at any point.

On average, STAMP for Latin test takers need around 40 minutes to fully complete the assessment.

Reading: approximately 30 multiple-choice questions.

All of Avant’s testing products are compatible with most browsers and devices, including iPads (iOS version 12+) and Chromebooks, to give you more flexibility when testing. Please review our Technology Guides prior to testing.

Avant STAMP for Latin scores are available immediately, as soon as test takers complete the section. Refresh the page for updates.

We do offer many other assessments in different configurations and languages. Please visit our Sample Tests page to see the languages available for each type of assessment.

How can we help?

Complete the contact us form for questions.
Or answer a few simple questions to request a quote.
