What is the Arabic Proficiency Test (APT)?
The APT is a web-based test that assesses Arabic language proficiency. The APT has four sections – Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking – and the results of this test inform test takers and educators about learning progress and program effectiveness. Test questions and prompts are based on real-world, everyday situations. APT measures a test taker’s language ability according to Language Proficiency Levels. Test results will indicate the level of proficiency achieved for each section of the test.
Before the Assessment
Preparing for the Assessment
We recommend that test takers read the Proficiency levels and Rubric/Scoring Guide for information about the skills you will need to demonstrate in order to achieve a certain proficiency level. Click the translate button at the bottom right corner of this website to view the rubric in Arabic.
Rules for Taking an Avant Test
Avant Assessment’s online language proficiency tests must be taken in a proctored environment with a proctor who is authorized by the organization sponsoring the test.
Avant’s test utilizes spontaneous, unrehearsed situations to measure real-world language proficiency. The purpose of this assessment is to measure what you are able to do with the language without support of any translators, reference material (including taking notes during any portion of the assessment) or assistance of any kind.
Please review Avant’s Testing Policies below.
The following is NOT ALLOWED during the assessment.
- The use of dictionaries, textbooks, cell phones, paper, pens, or other support materials (paper-based or electronic). The only time test takers should have access to pens or pencils is if the Writing section is being administered as handwritten.
- Taking or using notes of any kind (digital or handwritten) for any portion of the test, including the speaking and writing sections.
- Writing down a speaking response and reading it as your recorded response. This will lower your score for that response, and it may be scored as a ZERO because it involves the use of paper or reference material.
- Using additional computer or smartphone applications (e.g., Word, email, chat) or having other browser windows open during testing.
- The use of Google Translate or any other translation aid (paper-based or electronic).
- Using copy-paste, printing, screen capture apps/tools, video conferencing, messaging tools, or scanning and taking pictures/videos with your phone.
- Sharing information about questions or prompts on the test with anyone.
- Speaking or corresponding with anyone other than the proctor during the test. Or, receiving any advice or help from anyone during the test.
- Using violent, profane or inappropriate language in your responses. The response will not be rated and will be reported to your test administrator.
Violating any of these rules may invalidate your assessment results. We recommend also referring to your organization’s policy on academic dishonesty. Learn more about Test Security and Integrity.
During the Assessment
Login Page
- Your teacher or proctor will provide the URL, Test Code and Password to login to the APT.
- After entering the Test Code and Password you will see 2 buttons for starting a new test or continuing a test. After clicking on one of the buttons you will be asked to enter your Login Name.
- Start New Test: Click this button when starting a test for the first time. After clicking this button you will be asked to create a Login Name.
- Continue Test: Click this button to resume a test you have already started. You will be asked to re-enter the Login Name you entered when you started the test the first time.

After clicking on one of the buttons you will be asked to enter your Login Name:

Login name should be:
- Between 5-25 characters long.
- Any combination of letters, numbers, or any of the following special characters: @ (at symbol) _ (underscore) – (hyphen) . (period) , (comma) ‘ (single quote).
- Unique within the testing group (e.g. student or employee ID number or email).
Test takers should memorize their login name. If test takers need to stop and continue the test at a later time, they will need to enter their login name exactly as they did the first time.
- Your teacher or proctor may have suggestions on what to enter in this field but please note that your Login Name cannot be the same as anyone else’s in your testing group.
- Be sure you remember how you entered your Login Name because if you need to resume you will need to use the same Login Name you started the test with previously.
Reading and Listening Sections
The Reading and Listening sections of the test are multiple-choice and computer-adaptive, meaning that each new question is selected based on previous responses. Don’t be frustrated if you encounter a topic or words that are unfamiliar to you. Do your best, and keep in mind that an incorrect answer on an unfamiliar topic is okay and provides the system with valuable information needed for determining proficiency. As your test progresses, you may see easier or more difficult questions based upon your earlier answers. Each test taker will follow a unique path as he/she moves through the test. You will see approximately 30 questions in each of the Reading and Listening sections. The sections take, on average, 45-60 minutes to complete each section. Either section may take longer for test takers who are getting many higher-level test questions, which feature longer reading or listening passages. The speed of your Internet connection can also affect the length of the test.
Here are some tips:
- Read the question and answers before you attempt to read or listen to the passage (this will help guide your reading/listening and help you move through the test more quickly).
- In the Listening section, you can listen to each recording two times.
Writing and Speaking Sections
- The levels for the Speaking prompts are determined by your level on the Listening test, and the Writing prompts are determined by your level on the Reading test.
- Provide your responses using Modern Standard Arabic.
- Write or record at your highest possible level.
- Provide all detail requested in the prompt and enough detail to fully demonstrate your writing or speaking skills.
- Stay on topic.
- Pace yourself.
- Allow sufficient time for all three of your Writing/Speaking prompts.
- Complete responses for all prompts are needed to accurately determine your proficiency level.
- In these sections, click NEXT to submit the response and move to the next screen.
- After clicking NEXT, you will not be able to return to the prompt.
Writing Section
Reading Section must be completed before the Writing Section.
Number of Prompts: Three (3) prompts
Character Limit: Up to 2500 characters (400-600 words) for each response
Average Time: 20-25 minutes
The Writing section consists of three prompts. You will need to switch to an Arabic language input system to type responses in Arabic.
When done with your response, click NEXT to submit the response and move onto the next prompt. If you get logged out of the test working on your response, you can log back in with the same credentials to continue where you left off.
Handwritten Writing Section
If the test is being administered with a handwritten Writing section you will use pen and paper for your responses. Ask your Proctor to print off your writing prompts. Responses will be limited to one page for each prompt. There should be no part of the response on the back side of any page and there should be no scribbling in the QR code area, or damage that area in any way. Make your writing easy to read and dark enough for the scanned version to be readable. When done with all the prompts, submit all pages to your proctor.
Writing Section Tips:
- Look for details to understand what the prompt is asking you to write about.
- Write in the testing language.
- Use complete sentences.
- Organize your thoughts.
- Focus on each detail of the prompt so you can demonstrate just how much you know!
- Create a natural flow by connecting your ideas.
- Stay on topic and write at your highest possible level using a variety of vocabulary and sentence patterns.
Speaking Section
Listening Section must be completed before the Speaking Section.
Number of Prompts: Three (3) prompts
Recording Time Limit: Three (3) minutes for each response
Average Time: 20-25 minutes
- Read the entire prompt first.
- To record a response, click Begin Recording
- Click Stop Recording when you are finished.
- Click Listen to hear your recording and verify that the response was recorded properly.
- Click the + Add if you want to add to your recording. You can add to your response ONLY ONE time, if needed.
- Click on the Re-Record if you want to delete your response and re-record it. You have ONLY ONE chance to re-record your response, if needed.
- Click NEXT to submit the response and move to the next screen. After clicking NEXT, you will not be able to go back.
Speaking Section Tips:
- Look for details to understand what the prompt is asking you to speak about.
- Speak in the testing language.
- Use complete sentences.
- Organize your thoughts.
- Focus on each detail of the prompt so you can demonstrate just how much you know!
- Create a natural flow by connecting your ideas.
- Stay on topic and speak at your highest possible level using a variety of vocabulary and sentence patterns.
- Avoid long pauses when you are recording.
- Do not write down your speaking response prior to recording. Doing this will lower your score and may even result in the response not being rated.
Completing the Assessment
- If you are not completing the test in one session, follow the instructions from your teacher or proctor about when to click LOGOUT.
- You have not completed APT until you see a screen that says “You have completed the test and your answers have been saved. You may now log out.”
- If you need to finish the test at another time, plan to do so within the timelines specified by your teacher or proctor.
Resuming the Assessment
To resume a test, log in exactly as you did the first time using the same Test Code, Password and Login Name (all fields are case sensitive) but click on Continue Test after entering the test code and password. The test should resume at the point where you left off. Try logging in again or contact your test proctor or teacher for assistance.
After the Assessment
Test results are delivered to the testing administrator after test completion. Test takers should contact their testing administrator to receive test results.