The Avant Score can be used to determine placement. Or, if an organization wishes to place more importance on a specific skill/domain, weighting factors can be applied. Cut scores are established by each organization administering the test.

For additional information about Avant Scores, see PLACE Grades 6-12 Suggested Levels or the PLACE Higher Ed Suggested Levels below.

Grades 6-12 Suggested Levels

The following outlines a SUGGESTED course of action. We realize that each program functions differently and that the needs of each school/institution may require a more critical review of the data. The following is given as a general placement suggestion, based upon the elements assessed and the results attained. Please compare your program and course descriptions with the scenarios listed below in the “Description of Levels” column. The following scores suggest place-in levels. For example, a student who scores a “2” on the Placement test would be placed INTO a second year course, etc.

The asterisk (*) next to the Avant Score indicates that the score is very close to the next higher level. If a test taker receives a score with an asterisk, the administrator should look closely at this test taker’s writing and speaking to see if they could be placed at the next higher level.

Avant ScoreACTFL LevelsSecondary School LevelDescription of Levels
6AdvancedLevel 5 / Fifth Year or APStudents who have completed a fourth or fifth year course successfully or who have extensive experience studying/speaking the language.
5*Intermediate-HighLevel 5 / Fifth Year or APStudents who have completed a fourth or fifth year course successfully or who have extensive experience studying/speaking the language.
5Intermediate-MidLevel 5 / Fifth Year or APStudents who have completed a fourth year course successfully or who have previous experience studying/speaking the language. For students at and above this level it is suggested that having an interview with them will be an important factor in determining accurate placement.
4*Intermediate-LowLevel 4 / Fourth YearCheck writing and speaking responses to make accurate placement decision. This student could succeed in a 5th year class/AP class if their writing/speaking sample shows that level of ability.
4Intermediate-LowLevel 4 / Fourth YearStudents who have completed a third year course successfully or who have previous experience studying/speaking the language. For students at and above this level it is suggested that having an interview with them will be an important factor in determining accurate placement.
3*Novice-High*Level 3 / Third Year*Check writing and speaking responses to make accurate placement decision. This student could succeed in a 4th year class if their writing/speaking sample shows that level of ability.
3Novice-HighLevel 3 / Third YearStudents who have completed a second year course successfully or who have previous experience studying/speaking the language.
2*Novice-Mid*Level 2 / Second Year*Check writing and speaking responses to make accurate placement decision. This student could succeed in a 3rd year class if their writing/speaking sample shows that level of ability.
2Novice-MidLevel 2 / Second YearStudents who have completed a first year course successfully or who have some previous experience studying/speaking the language.
1Novice-LowLevel 1 /First YearTrue Beginners, typically students who start language study from scratch with no previous exposure to the language.

Higher Ed Suggested Levels

The chart below outlines a suggested course of action. Avant realizes that each language program functions differently, and that the needs of each school/institution may require a more critical review of data. The following is given as a general placement suggestion, based upon the elements assessed and the results attained. Please compare your program and course descriptions with the scenarios listed below in the “Description of Levels” column.

Avant ScoreACTFL LevelsILR LevelsUniversity LevelsDescription of Levels
6Advanced2300Major Level Courses
5*Intermediate-High1+202/203/300Review of writing and speaking responses is recommended to make accurate placement decisions.
5Intermediate-Mid1+202In programs with a three-semester requirement, this course usually provides a transition to the major (i.e. more reading, grammar review). In a four-semester system, it continues the second-year sequence.
4*Intermediate-Low1201/202Review of writing and speaking responses is recommended to make accurate placement decisions.
4Intermediate-Low1201Students who have completed one-year of university-level language study and have basic understanding of grammar/ vocabulary, able to benefit from content-based instruction in language and culture.
3*Novice-High0+103/201Review of writing and speaking responses is recommended to make accurate placement decisions.
3Novice-High0+103Students who have completed 102 or who have extended previous experience studying the language years at the high school level, (3-4 or limited travel abroad).
2*Novice-Mid0102/111/103Review of writing and speaking responses is recommended to make accurate placement decisions.
2Novice-Mid0102/111Students who have completed 101 or who have some previous experience studying the language.
1Novice-Low0101True Beginners, typically students who start language study from scratch with no previous exposure to the language.