The testing coordinator serves as the primary point of contact and overall coordinator for the testing. Responsibilities include:
Step 1: Complete Set Up Form (Identify Testing Groups and Level of Access)
Step 2: Receive Logins
Step 3: Complete Test Preparation Steps
Step 1. Complete Set-Up Form (Identify Testing Groups and Level of Access)
Prior to the testing, testing coordinators will work with Avant representatives to determine testing schedule, identify testing groups, levels of access, and complete the Set-Up Form.
Two variations of results logins are available, with different access levels for each.

Step 2. Receive Logins
The Avant PLACE Proctor/Results Login can be used to:
- Access Reports
- Filter and Search Test Instances
- View Test Instances and Test Taker Results
- Monitor Test Progress
- Monitor Scoring
- Download Individual Reports and Results Summary
Step 3. Complete Test Preparation Steps
1. Review the information available on these pages:
2. Provide information to test takers:
- Any instructions specific to your organization and testing (test window dates, your organization’s contact information)
- Avant PLACE Test Taker Guide
- Directions on how to use the self-evaluation fields (see PLACE Self-Evaluation Guide)
3. Provide support or arrange to support test takers with the following issues:
- Computer setup (see Technology Guide, Headset Guide, Writing Input Guide)
- Login problems
- Basic test-taking questions