Before the Test Begins

  • Have the Test Codes (Username) and Passwords ready (For each testing group there will be a Student Test Code and Password, and a Teacher Test Code and Password.)
  • Where appropriate, have a list of authorized test takers and/or ask test takers to provide photo ID.
  • Have students’ ID numbers available, if they are being used for the required Student ID field on the Student Profile (if not, be prepared to advise students on what to enter).
  • Ensure that test takers are using a supported browser – please see our Assessment Technology Guide.
  • Ensure that headsets are plugged in before the test takers start the test.
  • Inform test takers how much time is allowed for this testing session.
  • Direct test takers to read the instructions in each section of the test carefully.
  • Have a printout of this Avant SHL Test Proctoring Guide handy.
  • In situations where a teacher was not available to prepare test takers, read the Avant STAMP 4S Test Taker Guide and decide if any of the information should be shared with test takers.

Rules for Taking an Avant Test

Avant Assessment’s online language proficiency tests must be taken in a proctored environment with a proctor who is authorized by the organization sponsoring the test. 

Please review Rules for Taking an Avant Test

To Begin Testing

The test proctor should provide test takers with the information below. The information can be written on a whiteboard or projected on a screen. If you decide to distribute this information to test takers on slips of paper, be sure to collect the paper after testing.

  • The address for the Avant Test  Login website:
  • The testing group’s Avant SHL Test Code (Username)
  • The testing group’s Avant SHL Test Password
  • Guidance for filling in the Login Name field:
    • Login Name must be between 1-25 characters on the login page. Login Name should be any combination of letters, numbers, or any of the following special characters: @ (at symbol); _ (underscore); – (hyphen); . (period); , (comma); ‘ (single quote).
    • Login Name must be unique within the testing group (Do not use the Login Name “student”).
    • Be sure you remember how you entered your Login Name because if you need to resume you will need to use the same Login Name you started the test with previously.
    • If a test taker has taken the test previously using the same Test Code, we recommend using the same Login Name, with the number 2 added at the end.
  • Instructions for filling in the Student ID field on the Student Profile.
  • Instruct test takers on the order of the test. The Avant SHL Test design diagram is available here.
    • The Avant SHL Test begins with a set of demographic questions followed by a Lexical (Vocabulary) section.
    • After the Lexical section, the test taker will either exit the test, or with a high enough score, continue on to the Dictation, Translation, Sentence Completion, and Verb Conjugation sections.
    • At this point, the test taker will either exit the test or, with a high enough score, continue to the last two sections: Speaking and Writing.
      • The Speaking section response is limited to three (3) minutes of recording time. For the Speaking section response, test takers will have ONLY ONE chance to re-record their response, if needed. Test takers also can add to their response ONLY ONE time, if needed.
      • The Writing section response is limited to 2500 characters (400-600 words).
  • Instructions for stopping the test at a certain point or directions to continue until the test is complete.

During the Test

  • The proctor must remain in the testing area throughout testing. Circulate while the testing is taking place to ensure that no paper, pens, pencils, cell phones, etc. are being used. Make sure that no additional windows or applications (such as Word, email or web browsers) are open or launched during testing. Make sure that no dictionaries, textbooks or other support materials are being used.
  • Any infractions to the above regulations are to result in the immediate logging out of the individual test taker’s test by the proctor (by closing the browser), and the suspension of testing for that individual test taker. Such incidents shall be reported to the Testing Coordinator.
  • As a proctor, you can assist test takers with logging in, answering their profile questions, proper use of their headsets, computer issues, and resuming a test.
  • Please circulate among the test takers to ensure they are following instructions and progressing smoothly. During the Speaking section, make sure test takers are recording successfully.
  • You can also use the Teacher Login to monitor the progress of test taking, such as who has finished and who still needs to work on another section of the test.
  • Do not help with anything that is related to the content of the test items.
  • If a test taker needs to resume the test due to lost connection (or any other reason), the login information will need to be entered exactly as originally entered. The Avant SHL Test should resume from the point at which the test taker left off. If the Student Profile screen appears instead, the test taker must STOP the test. This indicates that the Login Name entered this time is different than it was originally entered. If necessary, the teacher or proctor can use the Teacher Login to look up the test taker name.
  • Please login to the Teacher Report Page to monitor test taker logins to ensure that students have completed the test and that they have not created unnecessary duplicate test logins.

After the Testing Session

After testing is completed, the test proctor or test coordinator may log in to the Avant Login Page to view test results for test takers who exit the test before the Writing and Speaking sections. The Test Coordinator will be able to access the results and share them with the test taker. If the test taker completes the Writing and Speaking portions of the test, the results for the entire test will be available in 3 to 5 business days.

After rating is complete, the proctor or test coordinator may print individual test taker reports or download an Excel file of test results. Do not allow the test takers to access the teacher report page or see other test taker scores.
