Scaled Scores

In addition to Level scores, the STAMP for CEFR assessment also provides Scaled Reading and Scaled Listening scores. Scaled scores are much more detailed than levels (A Level, B Level, C Level) and sub-levels (Pre-A1, A1, A2, B1, B2, C1). Scaled scores can be used to track incremental progress within the levels (pre- and post-testing) and measure the growth of student cohorts. Learn more about STAMP scaled scores here.

Scaled Reading and Listening scores columns will be shown within the STAMP for CEFR Report.

Scaled Score Ranges

Note that for the scaled scores the standard error of measurement (SEM) is approximately 10 scaled points for an individual test taker’s results. Keep this in mind when comparing scores for two different test takers or when interpreting a test taker’s score in a higher-stakes testing situation.

English Scaled Scores (for assessments delivered after February 18, 2025)

C LevelC1 (6)584 – 733592 – 714
B Level
B2 (5)543 – 583540 – 591
B1 (4)507 – 542492 – 539
A LevelA2 (3)452 – 506447 – 491
A1 (2)406 –451404 – 446
Pre-A1 (1)291 – 405330 – 403
