The Avant STAMP WS language test was developed to address the needs of language communities for rigorous, professionally scored, and affordable assessments. The Avant STAMP WS language proficiency test is a semi-adaptive test. Test takers will be asked to answer seven self-evaluation questions that best represent their skill/ability level in both the Reading and Listening sections. We use the self-evaluated reading score to determine the level of prompts we deliver for the writing prompts, and the self-evaluated listening score in the same way for the speaking prompts, thus making the productive sections more appropriately leveled for each test taker.

Avant STAMP WS requires a proctor during testing.

Avant STAMP WS has a wide range of applications. Educators use STAMP WS to qualify learners for the State and Global Seal of Biliteracy, award credit by exam, measure growth and evaluate programs.

HR professionals and government entities use STAMP WS to evaluate the language skills of applicants or employees whose work requires the use of multiple languages. Individuals use STAMP WS to qualify for the Global Seal of Biliteracy for their résumé or employment purposes.

Avant Assessment’s online language proficiency tests must be taken in a proctored environment with a proctor who is authorized by the organization sponsoring the test.

The Avant STAMP WS language proficiency test is not timed. Test takers may pause and resume Avant STAMP WS at any point. Each skill can be taken individually or all in one sitting. On average, test takers take around 60-80 minutes to fully complete the assessment. Advanced level test takers can expect to have longer testing times than Novice level learners.

                    Login & Self Assessment: approximately 15 minutes.
                    Writing: approximately 20-25 minutes.
                    Speaking: approximately 20-25 minutes.

Writing: 3 prompts
Speaking: 3 prompts

Each response for a Writing section prompt can be up to 2500 characters long (400-600 words).

Each response for a Speaking section prompt can be up to three (3) minutes long.

For each Speaking section prompt, you have ONLY ONE chance to re-record your response, if needed. You also can add to your response ONLY ONE time, if needed.

If the test taker does not attempt a response such as only entering one letter, number, space or only writes/speaks one target language word, the response will be rated as a Zero and that will affect the overall score for that section. We encourage test takers to do their best and to submit as much language as possible for each prompt so that they can receive an accurate score.

Please refer to the Reporting Guide to see the reasons for Not Ratable (NR) and Zero (0) scores.

If the test taker leaves the response blank, they will not be able to move to the next prompt and complete the section.

Writing and Speaking scores are typically available from 10 to 12 business days after test completion. During busy testing times (March-June), scoring may take longer. Please plan accordingly. For more information refer  to the STAMP WS Reporting Guide.

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the Test Code provided by Avant Assessment
  3. Enter the Password provided by Avant Assessment
  4. Click LOG IN

Due to the small numbers of test takers yearly, our refresh policy for STAMP WS assessments is currently being reviewed.

Yes, a handwritten Writing section option is available for Avant STAMP WS.

Individual Reports for a specific, multiple or all test takers can be printed out or saved as a PDF.

Individual Reports include the following sections and information:

  • Self-Evaluation Reading Section score (generated by Avant)
  • Writing Section score (rated by Avant)
  • Self-Evaluation Listening Section score (generated by Avant)
  • Speaking Section score (rated by Avant)
  • Composite Score
  • Level Descriptions
  • Suggestions

Summary Reports can be downloaded as an .(.csv) file that includes test taker test results along with the profile information and other test-taking data. From the spreadsheet you can create a customized report with just the fields you want, and sort it as needed. For best results, wait until all testing and rating is complete.

For more information refer  to the STAMP WS Reporting Guide.

Please see our Assessment Technology Guide for overall system requirements and browser capabilities.

We strongly recommend using USB style headphones that completely cover the ears, blocking out much of the surrounding sound, with built-in microphones. Smaller earbuds or foam headsets that sit on top of the ear will not produce the best results in terms of sound quality.

Please see our Headset Guide for further information.

Avant’s STAMP WS language tests include a Writing section in which test takers will need to provide typed writing responses. The method for entering writing responses will differ depending on the target language of the test.
Please see our Writing Guide for language-specific directions.

For pricing information or to make a purchase, please call our account manager team at (888) 731-7887 within the United States, or +1 (541) 338-9090 from outside the United States, or email our account manager team.

Avant has several resources that were designed to help prepare teachers, test administrators, and test takers for the testing experience that can be found in our User Guides.

Yes! Avant’s support specialists are available for immediate testing support for teachers and administrators and can be reached via email or phone. Test takers who seek help should contact their institution.

Support Hours:
Mon-Fri 5:00am – 4:00pm
Pacific Time (UTC/GMT -8)

Support Phone:
Toll Free (US): (888) 713-7887
International: (541) 607-4401

Yes! Avant provides onsite or virtual professional development offerings to help educators integrate our assessment solutions into curriculum, learn how to interpret data for program evaluation and to improve learning outcomes through Avant M.O.R.E. Learning. Training for professionals on day-to-day, classroom-based assessment and how to apply the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines is available through Avant ADVANCE. Additionally, data analysis training is available through our Research and Development team.

Contact us if you are interested in any of these options:

Phone: (888) 731-7887

Professional Development Catalog
