Policy Statement
Avant’s assessment policies follow best practices in high-stakes testing (Seal of Biliteracy, credit by exam, etc.) to protect the validity of our assessments and the meaning of the results. The following policy outlines the criteria for scoring and rating, as well as the procedures for score resets, retakes, and reviews.
Test Score Validity
Each Avant STAMP test must be completed within 90 calendar days from the start date. You can take a new test after 90 calendar days have passed since the start of your previous test.
STAMP scores are valid for two (2) years.
Types of Scores
STAMP assessments provide the following types of scores (depending on the skills assessed):
Individual Response Scores
Test takers receive Individual Response scores for both selected and constructed responses:
- Selected Responses in Reading, Listening, and Receptive (ASL) sections
Multiple-choice questions in the Reading, Listening, and Receptive (ASL) sections are computer scored and results are calculated using programmed and validated algorithms.
- Constructed Responses in Writing, Speaking and Expressive (ASL) sections
All Writing, Speaking, and Expressive (ASL) responses are rated according to standardized procedures, utilizing our posted rubric (link to rubric here).
Section Scores
Test takers receive a score for each section of the assessment (including self-evaluation sections). Please refer to Reporting Guides for more information.
Composite Score
Composite Scores are available when all sections have been completed, scored, and rated. Composite Score represents a test taker’s scores added together and divided by the total number of sections assessed (excluding self-evaluation sections). Please refer to Reporting Guides for more information.
Scaled Scores
STAMP assessments provide Scaled Reading, Scaled Listening, and Scaled Receptive scores that show more detailed information about test takers proficiency levels. Please refer to Scaled Score Guides for more information.
Scoring and Rating
The procedures to compute and report Avant STAMP scores are very rigorous. Our systems and processes utilize a variety of quality control measures to verify score accuracy for each skill.
The Reading, Listening, and Receptive (ASL) section scores are computer scored and results are calculated using programmed and validated algorithms.
The Writing, Speaking, and Expressive (ASL) responses are rated by Avant Certified Raters according to standardized procedures, utilizing our posted rubrics (link to rubrics here).
Levels and Scores
Scoring and rating for all STAMP assessments is done using levels (numerical scores). Test takers may achieve the following levels (scores):
- STAMP: from Novice-Low (1) to Advanced-High (9)
- STAMP for CEFR: from Pre-A1 (1) to C1 (6)
Please refer to our Benchmarks and Rubric Guides for more information.
Test takers may also receive an NR or Zero (0) Score for Writing, Speaking, or Expressive (ASL) responses/sections.
Possible Reasons for NR (Not Ratable)
Reasons | Speaking Responses | Writing Responses | Expressive Responses |
Technology Issues | Clear cases of technology hindering the ability to hear the recorded response: • No audio • Buzzing • Static/noises • Low audio volume. | An indication that the specific language keyboard was not set up correctly or there are other typing/input issues. | Video quality issues: • The test taker’s face is not fully visible due to shadows or poor lighting. • The test taker is signing outside of the camera area No video is available or the video is choppy. |
Other | Other reasons preventing raters from being able to adequately rate the recorded response: • Loud background noises (such as disruptive test takers near the test taker, fire alarms, music, teachers giving instructions/directions, or speaking loudly in the background). • The test taker is whispering or does not speak loudly enough. • The test taker describes the picture, reads/ translates the prompt, or responds using dialect. | The test taker describes the picture, translates the prompt, or responds using dialect. | Other reasons preventing raters from being able to adequately rate the recorded response: • The test taker may be wearing a mask, hat, hoodie, scarf, or hair which obstructs the view of the face, preventing accurate rating. • The test taker is chewing gum or eating food causing confusion with grammatical structures. |
Possible Reasons for Zero (0) Score
Reasons | Speaking Responses | Writing Responses | Expressive Responses |
Test Rules Violation | Using ANY outside resources (translation support). Please refer to the test taker rules here. | Using ANY outside resources (translation support). Please refer to the test taker rules here. | Using ANY outside resources (translation support). Please refer to the test taker rules here. |
Non-Target Language | The response is given entirely in a language other than the target/test language. | The response is given entirely in a language other than the target/test language. | The response is given entirely in a language other than American Sign Language. |
No Attempt to Respond / Only ONE Target Language Word | • The response contains ONLY ONE target language word. • The test taker responds with “I DON’T KNOW” or a similar response in English or the testing language. | • No response was given. • The response contains ONLY ONE target language word. • The test taker responds with “I DON’T KNOW” or a similar response in English or the testing language. | • The response contains ONLY ONE word in American Sign Language. • The test taker responds with “I DON’T KNOW” in American Sign Language. |
Off-Topic | The response fails to address ANY portion of the prompt or task. | The response fails to address ANY portion of the prompt or task. | The response fails to address ANY portion of the prompt or task. |
Violent Language | Any language that is threatening, menacing, or violent towards ANY participant in the narrative or to the reader. | Any language that is threatening, menacing, or violent towards ANY participant in the narrative or to the reader. | Any language that is threatening, menacing, or violent towards ANY participant in the narrative or to the reader. |
Profane Language | Any language that is vulgar, offensive, profane, or disrespectful towards ANY participant in the narrative or to the reader. | Any language that is vulgar, offensive, profane, or disrespectful towards ANY participant in the narrative or to the reader. | Any language that is vulgar, offensive, profane, or disrespectful towards ANY participant in the narrative or to the reader. |
Test Section Reset and Retake Procedures
- Avant does not allow score resets and score retakes for Individual Responses. Only Section Scores are eligible for such requests.
- Requests must be submitted by a Testing Coordinator or Administrator. Test takers must contact their Testing Coordinator or Administrator.
- Requests must be made within 90 calendar days of starting the test as score resets and score retakes are not allowed after this period.
- Avant’s approval shall be required on all requests for score resets and score retakes.
Please review the following criteria prior to submitting a request:
Type of Request | Criteria | How to Request | Fee |
Section Reset | 1. Allowed for any section. 2. WHEN there is a technology problem that causes: • the test taker to be unable to complete the test • a test taker’s writing or speaking section is flagged to be “NR”– Not Ratable. 3. Resetting a test section will delete any information that has been entered in that section. | 1. Access the Results Report via the Avant Login Page using the Test Code and Password provided by Avant Assessment. 2. Download the Results Summary using the Test Taker Data download feature. 3. For each test taker, highlight the following fields: Test Code, Login Name, Section that should be reset. Please delete all personally identifiable information (PII). 4. Email your spreadsheet (Excel file) to support@avantassessment.com. 5. You will receive a confirmation email when your request has been completed. | No charge |
Section Retake | 1. Allowed for any section. 2. Only one test section retake per test taker is allowed. 3. WHEN one skill/domain is lower than the required level needed for one of the following purposes: • to earn a State or Global Seal of Biliteracy • to earn credits in a secondary or post-secondary institution • to meet graduation requirements in a secondary or post-secondary institution 4. A test section retake will delete any information that has been entered in that section. | 1. Access the Results Report via the Avant Login Page using the Test Code and Password provided by Avant Assessment. 2. Download the Results Summary using the Test Taker Data download feature. 3. For each test taker, highlight the following fields: Test Code, Login Name, Section that should be retaken. Please delete all personally identifiable information (PII). 4. Email your spreadsheet (Excel file) to support@avantassessment.com. 5. You will receive a confirmation email when your request has been completed. | Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, or Receptive (ASL) sections – $10 per section Expressive (ASL) section – $15 |
Please review the following criteria prior to submitting a request:
Type of Request | Criteria | How to Request | Fee |
Section Reset | 1. Allowed for any section. 2. WHEN there is a technology problem that causes: • the test taker to be unable to complete the test • a test taker’s writing or speaking section is flagged to be “NR”– Not Ratable. 3. Resetting a test section will delete any information that has been entered in that section. | 1. Access the Results Report via the Avant Login Page using the Test Code and Password provided by Avant Assessment. 2. Download the Results Summary using the Test Taker Data download feature. 3. For each test taker, highlight the following fields: Test Code, Login Name, Section that should be reset. Please delete all personally identifiable information (PII). 4. Email your spreadsheet (Excel file) to support@avantassessment.com. 5. You will receive a confirmation email when your request has been completed. | No charge |
Section Retake | 1. Allowed for any section. 2. Only one test section retake per test taker is allowed. 3. WHEN one skill/domain is lower than the required level needed for one of the following purposes: • to earn a State or Global Seal of Biliteracy • to earn credits in a secondary or post-secondary institution • to meet graduation requirements in a secondary or post-secondary institution 4. A test section retake will delete any information that has been entered in that section. | 1. Access the Results Report via the Avant Login Page using the Test Code and Password provided by Avant Assessment. 2. Download the Results Summary using the Test Taker Data download feature. 3. For each test taker, highlight the following fields: Test Code, Login Name, Section that should be retaken. Please delete all personally identifiable information (PII). 4. Email your spreadsheet (Excel file) to support@avantassessment.com. 5. You will receive a confirmation email when your request has been completed. | Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, or Receptive (ASL) sections – $10 per section Expressive (ASL) section – $15 |
Section Score Review | 1. Allowed only for the Writing, Speaking, and Expressive (ASL) sections. 2. The findings of the review will be included in the detailed report. The findings are final and cannot be challenged. | 1. Email your request to support@avantassessment.com. 2. Following initial screening, our Support Team will send you the web form link. 3. Complete the web form for each score review request. 4. Avant Rater Managers will review test taker responses for the requested section(s). 5. You will receive an email with a detailed report of the review. The findings of the review are final and cannot be challenged. | Writing, Speaking, or Expressive (ASL) sections – $20 per section |
This policy may be revised at any time without prior notice. All revisions supersede prior policy and are effective immediately upon approval.
Tips and Suggestions
How to Reduce or Eliminate the Need for Test Section Resets and Retakes
- Motivation and proper expectations are essential to reducing the need for test section retakes, especially in the Writing and Speaking areas where test takers are required to produce their own language responses. We provide online resource guides and tutorials to help the test takers understand the expectations ahead of time. These resources can be found under the Test Taker Guides of the Avant STAMP tests.
- Proper Technology Setup is also essential for reducing the need for test section resets. We provide online resource guides and tutorials to help with this process. Ensure that the Assessment Technology Guide is provided to the appropriate person/people at your organization prior to testing. These resources can be found under the User Guides of the STAMP tests.
Qualifying Scores to Earn a State or Global Seal of Biliteracy:
Test requirements and usage often change or vary by school, district, county, state, etc. Check with your school district or state for up-to-date testing information and qualifying scores for the Seal of Biliteracy or the Global Seal of Biliteracy.