Policy Statement

Avant is deeply committed to the integrity of our tests and the valuable data that they provide to educators and test takers. Avant’s tests are being used for higher-stakes purposes, such as qualifying for the State or Global Seals of Biliteracy, meeting college graduation language proficiency requirements, or receiving high school credits, etc. The only way to ensure that there is no cheating and that test content is not copied, stolen, or hacked is through human proctoring.  The purpose of this policy is to define the roles and responsibilities of proctors, organizations sponsoring the test, and test takers. 


Organization sponsoring the test: This refers to an educational, corporate, or government organization that has purchased an assessment to administer to its students or employees.

Test takers: Test takers are individuals authorized to take an assessment. 

Proctors: A proctor is a representative authorized to ensure that integrity guidelines are followed during the testing process. 

AvantProctor: AvantProctor is the remote proctoring service offered by Avant. 

Approved Proctoring Arrangements

Avant approves the following proctoring arrangements:

In-Person Proctoring

In-Person Proctoring must be conducted by a proctor authorized by the organization sponsoring the test. Assessments should be administered in a school or a professional proctored environment.

Remote Proctoring via AvantProctor

AvantProctor service can be utilized by the organization sponsoring the test or by individual test takers who purchased an assessment directly from Avant. This service is available only for test takers who are 13 years of age or older.

Approved Proctors

Proctors are individuals authorized by the organization sponsoring the test that are not related to the test taker. The proctor’s job is to ensure integrity guidelines are followed.

  • Acceptable proctors include: school/college educators, hiring managers, supervisors, or AvantProctor proctors.
  • Non-acceptable proctors include: parents, guardians, relatives, or anyone with whom the test taker has a personal relationship.

Why can’t a parent be a proctor?

Avant needs to be sure that the integrity of our tests are safeguarded and that the scores are a true representation of the test taker’s actual language proficiency.

Acceptable Forms of ID

Where appropriate, proctors should have a list of authorized test takers and/or ask test takers to provide photo ID. The following government, digital, and organization-issued photo IDs can be accepted:

  • school photo ID
  • organization-issued photo ID
  • government-issued photo ID
  • passport
  • driver’s license

A parent or relative’s ID may be used if they have the same last name as the test taker.


Organizations sponsoring the test must safeguard the integrity of Avant’s assessments by making the necessary proctoring arrangements. It is essential to address all details and inform all participants. By following these steps, you can help ensure a smooth assessment process.

In-Person Proctoring

Organizations Sponsoring the Test• Determine your testing schedule.
• Arrange the testing space.
• Authorizing proctors for the upcoming assessment.
• Ensure that the equipment is ready. Please refer to the Assessment Technology Guide for specific requirements.
• Plan testing accommodations for test takers if needed.
• Review the requirements for login and profile information.
• Review user guides and share information with all participants.
• Ensure that test takers have their IDs ready if necessary.
ProctorsProctors must ensure that academic integrity guidelines are upheld by following these steps:

At the beginning of the assessment:
• Verify test takers’ identity.
• Check the testing area.
• Inform test takers about the rules.
• Review test logistics.
• Review test length expectations.
• Assist with logging in (if needed).
• Assist with the Profile Page (if needed).
• Ensure the testing space is quiet.

During the assessment
• Avoid distraction and keep your focus on test takers (this is not a time to catch up on emails, grading, or other activities).
• Monitor test progress.
• Do random checks.
• Make sure that support materials are NOT used.
• Monitor time and breaks.
• Have the authority to terminate the test. 

After the assessment
• Ensure the test is completed.
• Check the status of test takers
• Do not allow test takers to access the report page or see other test taker scores.
Test TakersAdhere to the organization’s honor code and Rules for taking an Avant test.

Remote Proctoring via AvantProctor

Organizations Sponsoring the Test• Review AvantProctor requirements.
• Determine your testing schedule.
• Provide AvantProctor service information about necessary accommodations.
• Ensure that the equipment is ready. Please refer to the Network/IT Coordinator Technology Guide and Test Taker Technology Guide.
• Review user guides and share information with the test takers.
• Ensure that test takers are rostered and scheduled the test.
AvantProctor ProctorsAt the beginning of the assessment:
• Verify test takers’ identity.
• Check the testing area.
• Assist with logging in (if needed).
• Assist with the Profile Page (if needed).

During the assessment
• Monitor test progress.
• Make sure that support materials are NOT used.
• Monitor time and breaks.
• Have the authority to terminate the test. 
Test TakersAdhere to the organization’s honor code, rules for taking an Avant test, and remote proctoring rules.

Assistance and Accommodations

To protect the integrity and validity of the assessment proctors must know with what areas of the assessment proctors can and cannot assist test takers.

Proctors CAN assist test takers with:

  • logging in
  • profile questions
  • technology issues:
    • selecting the writing input language
    • proper use of their headsets
    • computer issues
    • resuming a test

Proctors CANNOT assist test takers with:

  • translating any of the authentic text or authentic audio.
  • translating any of the multiple choice answer options.
  • with anything that is related to the content of the test items.

Refer to Avant Assessment Testing Accommodations for more information.

Test Breaks

Proctors should provide occasional reminders of the time remaining and make sure test takers are on track to complete the test in the allotted time. Breaks can be taken in-between sections. Proctors must assist test takers at resuming the assessment after a break.

Test Session Termination

Proctors must terminate the test in cases of improper behavior or academic misconduct. Please refer to your organization’s Academic Honor Code and test rules.
