Following these procedures will help assure the security of the Avant Arabic Proficiency Test (APT) and the validity of each assessment.
Before The APT Begins
- Have the test URL, Test Code and Password. Test takers will also need to know how to enter their unique Login Name.
- Ensure that headsets are plugged in before the test takers start the test.
- Tell the test takers how much time is allowed for this testing session.
- The proctor will not give assistance in any way to test takers taking the test other than to provide technical support or procedural directions.
- Have a printout of this Arabic Proficiency Test Proctoring Guide handy.
Test Logistics
- Each skill (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking) is assessed separately, and can be administered independently.
- The test is not timed. You can set your own time limits for the test based on your schedule.
- Test takers can start, stop and resume testing at any time.
- The productive skills (Writing and Speaking) must follow the corresponding receptive skills. (Reading must be taken before Writing, and Listening must be taken before Speaking)
Note: If bandwidth is limited, half of the test takers can start with Reading/Writing and the other half with Listening/Speaking (this can also help reduce the noise level).
Rules for Taking an Avant Test
Avant Assessment’s online language proficiency tests must be taken in a proctored environment with a proctor who is authorized by the organization sponsoring the test.
Avant’s test utilizes spontaneous, unrehearsed situations to measure real-world language proficiency. The purpose of this assessment is to measure what you are able to do with the language without support of any translators, reference material (including taking notes during any portion of the assessment) or assistance of any kind.
Please review Avant’s Testing Policies below.
The following is NOT ALLOWED during the assessment.
- The use of dictionaries, textbooks, cell phones, paper, pens, or other support materials (paper-based or electronic). The only time test takers should have access to pens or pencils is if the Writing section is being administered as handwritten.
- Taking or using notes of any kind (digital or handwritten) for any portion of the test, including the Speaking and Writing sections.
- Writing down a speaking response and reading it as your recorded response. This will lower your score for that response, and it may be scored as a ZERO because it involves the use of paper or reference material.
- Using additional computer or smartphone applications (e.g., Word, email, chat) or having other browser windows open during testing.
- The use of Google Translate or any other translation aid (paper-based or electronic).
- Using copy-paste, printing, screen capture apps/tools, video conferencing, messaging tools, or scanning and taking pictures/videos with your phone.
- Sharing information about questions or prompts on the test with anyone.
- Speaking or corresponding with anyone other than the proctor during the test. Or, receiving any advice or help from anyone during the test.
- Using violent, profane or inappropriate language in your responses. The response will not be rated and will be reported to your test administrator.
Violating any of these rules may invalidate your assessment results. We recommend also referring to your organization’s policy on academic dishonesty. Learn more about Test Security and Integrity.
To Begin Testing
Verify test takers identity
- Have a list of authorized test takers (if appropriate). Have Test Takers’ ID numbers available, if they are being used for the Test Taker ID field on the profile page.
- Ask test takers to provide photo ID (if the test taker is unknown to the Proctor).
Check the Testing Area
- Remove all prohibited devices, such as smartphones, extra tablets, and extra screens.
- Paper, pens, and pencils are also not allowed during testing.
Inform Test Takers about Rules
Ensure that Test Takers are familiar with the Rules for Taking an Avant Test.
Make sure to point out that off-page clicking is not allowed. Test takers will be logged out and each instance will be tracked in our system. Test takers will need a proctor’s assistance to log back in to continue the test.
Review Test Logistics
Inform test takers about how many questions and prompts they will encounter.
Avant APT provides a variety of assessments testing skills in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking – either all four or a combination of these skills:
- Reading: approximately 30 multiple-choice questions
- Writing: 3 prompts
- Listening: approximately 30 multiple-choice questions
- Speaking: 3 prompts
Each Writing section response is limited to 2500 characters (400-600 words).
Each Speaking section response is limited to three (3) minutes of recording time. For each Speaking section response, test takers will have ONLY ONE chance to re-record their response, if needed. Test takers also can add to their response ONLY ONE time, if needed.
Test Length Expectations
Inform test takers how much time they will have to complete the test.
On average, APT test takers need around 120 minutes to fully complete the assessment.
- Reading: 35-40 minutes
- Writing: 20-25 minutes
- Listening: 35-40 minutes
- Speaking: 20-25 minutes
IMPORTANT: Provide test takers instructions for stopping the test at a certain point or directions to continue until the test is complete.
Assist with logging in (if needed)
The test proctor should provide test takers with the information below:
- The address for the Avant Test Website (
- The testing group’s Test Code.
- The testing group’s Password.
The information can be written on a whiteboard or projected on a screen. If you decide to distribute this information to test takers on slips of paper, be sure to collect the paper after testing.
Assist with Login Name field (if needed)
Please note that the Login Name and Test Taker ID fields are different.
Login Name should be:
- Between 1-25 characters long.
- Any combination of letters, numbers, or any of the following special characters: @ (at symbol) _ (underscore) – (hyphen) . (period) , (comma) ‘ (single quote).
- Unique within the testing group (do not use the Login Name “student”).

- Test takers should memorize their login name. If test takers need to stop and continue the test at a later time, they will need to enter their login name exactly as they did the first time.
- If a test taker has taken the test previously using the same test code, we recommend using the same login name, with the number 2 added at the end.
- You can use the report to determine how a test taker’s Login Name was entered. See Reporting Guide for more information.
Assist with the Profile Page (if needed)
After test takers enter a Login Name and log in, the Test Taker Profile screen will appear where test takers will need to enter the required fields: First Name, Last Name, and Test Taker ID.
Please note that Test Taker ID is different from Login Name. However, Test Takers can use the same combination for both Login Name and Test Taker ID. Some institutions have the test takers enter their student ID for one and their school issued email address for the other for data tracking purposes.
Review the Test Taker Profile Guide to learn about best practices.
Ensure the Testing Space is Quiet
Ensure the testing environment is quiet without distractions or background noise. So test takers can focus and record their responses without background nois
During Testing
The proctor must remain in the testing area throughout testing. Circulate while the testing is taking place to ensure that no cell phones or additional applications (such as Word, email or web browsers) are open or launched during testing. Make sure that no dictionaries, textbooks or other support materials are being used. Test takers should have access to pens or paper only during the Writing section of the test if it is being administered as handwritten.
If a test taker is found to be in violation of any of these regulations, the proctor must immediately log that individual out (by closing the browser with the test), resulting in suspension of testing for that individual. The proctor should record such incidents with a description of the event and the name of the test taker involved, and submit them to the Testing Coordinator and to Avant Assessment.
During testing, the Proctor should monitor each Test Group’s testing progress to ensure that all of the test takers complete each of the four sections of the assessment. The Proctor (or anyone with the Test Code and Password) can monitor the testing status. Please refer to the APT Reporting Guide for instructions on Accessing Test Results and Testing Status.
If a test taker needs to resume the test due to lost connection (or any other reason), the login information will need to be entered exactly as originally entered. Instruct test takers to click on Continue Test after re-entering the test code and password.
Writing and Speaking Sections
The Speaking prompts are determined by the test taker’s Proficiency Level on the Listening section, and the Writing prompts are determined by the test taker’s Proficiency Level on the Reading section.
Writing Section
The Writing section consists of three prompts. Test takers will have up to 2500 characters (400-600 words) for each Writing response.
Responses need to be in Modern Standard Arabic. Test takers will need to switch to an Arabic language input system to type their responses. For more information on loading the Arabic keyboard see the APT Writing Input Guide.
When test takers are done typing their response, they will click NEXT to submit the response and move to the next prompt. Test takers will not be able to go back after hitting NEXT.
Speaking Section
The Speaking section consists of three prompts. Test takers will have three (3) minutes of recording time for each Speaking response.
In the Speaking section, please instruct your test takers to read the prompt (to himself/herself) and then, click the record button to record their response. (On rare occasions, the younger test takers have recorded themselves reading the prompt out loud (instead of responding to the prompt).
Handwritten Writing Section
If administering the Writing section as handwritten, then this part of the test uses pen and paper. After the test taker has completed the Reading section, the teacher/proctor logs into the reporting website ( and clicks the Print Writing Prompts button.
Each writing prompt will print only one page, for a total of 3 pages per test taker. There should be no part of the response on the backside of any page and test takers should do no writing or scribbling in the QR code area, or damage that area in any way. Test takers should use a pen that makes their writing easy to read and dark enough for the scanned version to be readable. When done with all prompts, the test takers will submit their pages to the teacher/proctor.
Test taker writing responses will need to be collected, scanned, and submitted to Avant for scoring. For more information on this process see the APT Handwritten Writing Section Guide.
After the Test
Ensure the Test is Completed:
- Ensure that test takers have completed the test.
- Each Avant STAMP test must be completed within 90 days of the start date. Resets and retakes are not allowed after 90 days of starting the test.
Check the Status of Test Takers:
Access Results Report to ensure:
- Test takers have not created unnecessary duplicate test logins.
- Test takers have completed the test (if a test taker logs out and doesn’t complete the test, the clock will continue running and will show 999 min).
Please refer to the Reporting Guide for more information.
View test results:
After testing is completed, the test proctor or test coordinator may log in to the Avant Login Page to view test results.
Reading and Listening scores are available immediately.
Writing and Speaking scores are typically available from 7-10 business days after test completion. Scores may be available sooner, so check the test results screen periodically to determine the rating progress. Click on any score to see additional details or to access Writing and Speaking responses. During busy testing times (March-June), scoring may take longer. Please plan accordingly.
After rating is complete, the proctor or test coordinator may print individual test taker reports or download an Excel file of test results. Do not allow the test takers to access the teacher report page or see other test taker scores.