Using the Test Results Screen
The Avant Arabic Proficiency Test (APT) Teacher Login option can be used to:
- Access test taker results
- View information (both summary and detail)
- Create reports
- Monitor testing progress
- Use the screen to track test takers’ progress throughout the test
- Determine how a test takers’ Login Name was entered
- Determine when rating is complete
- Reading and Listening scores are available when the test taker completes the section
- Writing and Speaking scores are typically available from 7 to 10 business days after test completion
- Determine test count
- Use Line Item Summary to see the detail that makes up the test count and reconcile to billing or order quantity
Accessing Test Results
- Go to
- Click the Teacher Login button
- Enter the Teacher/Results Test Code and Password
- Click the Login button
- Click the link under the Accessing Test Results heading
Three variations of the teacher login are available, with different access levels for each:
- District/Organization – allows access to Avant Arabic Proficiency Test (APT) testing results for all testing groups within the organization (usually school district or university)
- School/Sub-Organization – allows access to Avant Arabic Proficiency Test (APT) testing results for all testing groups within the sub-organization (usually school or university department)
- Class/Testing Group – allows access to Avant Arabic Proficiency Test (APT) testing results for all test takers associated with a specific testing group
If you are using a district/organization or school/sub-organization viewing code, use the View Summary feature to drill down to the desired class/testing group. To request school/district login, contact Avant Support by calling 888-713-7787 or email
The resulting screen will display Level Keys, a Date Range selector, Language Summary Charts and either a Test Results list or a list of classes that you can select to drill into to access the Test Results list.
Level Keys
Scoring is done using Benchmark Levels 1-10. The levels are associated with Benchmark Categories of Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, and Superior as shown in the Level Keys below. This Benchmark Scale aligns to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines as shown below. For more information about these levels please refer to our Proficiency levels & Rubric/Scoring Guide.

Date Range Selector

The Date Range defaults to six months. To select a different date, type the date or click the calendar icon, then click Search as shown in the image above.
Summary Charts
The initial screen shows summary charts for each section of the test: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

Test Taker Lists
The Test Taker lists show test information for each test taker. These lists will start to show data as soon as the test taker completes the test taker profile screen. Reading and Listening scores are available as soon as the test taker completes those sections (refresh the page for updates).
Writing and Speaking scores are typically available from 7 to 10 business days after test completion. They may be available sooner, so check the test results screen periodically to determine the rating progress. During busy testing times (March-June), scoring may take longer. Please plan accordingly.

For Reading and Listening sections of the test, you may also see a Scaled Score to the right of the level. These can be used to track test taker progress within the levels.
Explanation of Test Status Messages on the Test Taker Lists

Scores: What Does the Minus Sign Mean?
A minus sign after the level for a Writing or Speaking score indicates that of the three necessary ratable responses the test taker only submitted one. This serves as an alert that limited evidence was available to establish the score.
Individual Reports
Individual Reports show the Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking levels attained on the Avant Arabic Proficiency Test (APT) for each test taker. They provide in clear, direct language what test takers at each level are generally able to do.
- Click View on the Test Taker list to access the Individual Report for a specific test taker.
- Click Class Batch Reports to create reports for all test takers on the list (for best results, wait until all testing and rating is complete).
- To print the report, use your browser’s print function.
- You can create a PDF version of the report if your printer selection includes a PDF writer.
- If desired, the Individual Report can be distributed to test takers or parents.

Each test taker’s report has a scoring graphic for each section of the test. This inverted pyramid has a yellow-filled area that depicts the level attained. The level is also shown in the blue bar for each section of the test.
For the Writing and Speaking sections of the test, an additional blue-filled area will appear if the test taker had one test prompt that was rated at a higher level. This serves as an alert that the test taker is operating across a range of proficiency levels with this skill. This situation is quite common for test takers in the Novice and Intermediate ranges, mostly due to limited topic exposure and control.
Accessing Writing and Speaking Responses
In the Individual Report, you’re able to see and listen to the written responses and recorded audio responses the test takers submit. For the Writing and Speaking sections, click on Sample 1, Sample 2 and Sample 3 to read or hear the test taker’s actual response for each specific task. This can also be helpful for understanding why responses were marked as Not Ratable.
Line Item Summary Download
The Line Item Summary download creates an Excel file that includes test taker profile information along with the test taker test results and other test-taking data. From the spreadsheet you can create a customized report with just the fields you want, and sort it as needed.
To create the download file:
- Click Line Item Summary, located near the bottom of the page.
- Follow the instructions on your screen, which may vary depending on your computer setup.
A portion of the file is shown below. Information in the file falls into three groups:
- Test Taker Login and Profile Information – columns A, C, D, E, F, G, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, AA, AB, AC
- Testing Group Information – columns B and H
- Test Results/Test Status – columns I, J, K, L, M, N, Q

Summary Chart Download
In many cases, a screen print of the Summary Charts on the test results screen will meet your needs for graphical presentation of the summary information. However, if you prefer to create a different style of chart or graph, the Summary Chart download makes it easy to create an Excel file with the information from the Summary Charts.
To create the download file:
- Click Summary Chart, located near the bottom of the page.
- Follow the instructions on your screen, which may vary depending on your computer setup.
The resulting Excel file will have summary information for each level.

There are eight columns of information for each level. For each domain, there is a column that displays the total number of test takers at the level and the total percent of test takers at the level. See example above.

You can also select the spreadsheet data that you want to chart, and follow Excel instructions for designing a custom chart of your data, as shown in the example above.
Retakes and Resets
Under certain circumstances, retesting and resetting portions of the test may be permitted. Please refer to our Request a Retake page for more information on our policy and how to make the request.