Avant Tests for Colleges and Universities



Language Placement Test for teenagers and adults
Reading Writing Listening Speaking
STAMP 4S test.


4-skill assessment for teenagers and adults
Reading Writing Listening Speaking


2-skill assessment for teenagers and adults
Writing Speaking


2-skill American Sign Language assessment
Receptive Expressive
Old Latin Texts.

STAMP for Latin

1-skill Latin assessment
Medical professionals.

STAMP Medical

4-skill assessment for the medical field
Reading Writing Listening Speaking
people speaking rarely tested languages.


Super Less Commonly Tested Languages
Writing Speaking

“Administration loves it, they [can see] exactly what the department graduates know.”

Cheryl Johnson, Instructional Technologist, Denison University

Grow Your Language Programs Through Assessment Pathways

target with 2 arrows in bulls eye. arrow moving toward taget bullseye.

Evaluate Accurately 

  • Leverage PLACE for quick, accurate measures for course placement.
  • Benchmark and credential with Avant STAMP for program efficacy.
  • Computer-adaptive assessments with real-world content for greater confidence in skill demonstration.
example Avant Report.

Enhanced Score Reporting

  • Visual sub-leveled reports with precise proficiency data.
  • Specific suggestions for “powering up” to the next level of proficiency for each skill.
  • Review and export large test taker groups for deeper analysis.
educator setting up Avant system.

Convenient Setup

  • Designed for flexibility, Avant language tests are quick and easy to set up.
  • Delivered online with remote proctoring– no testing centers required.
  • Standard and incremental billing available.
  • Online store option when students are required to purchase.
Global Seal Certificate - Professional. Global Seal Certificate - Working. Global Seal Certificate - Functional.

Credential Eligible

  • Avant STAMP, Arabic Proficiency Test, STAMP for ASL and Latin are all eligible for the Global Seal of Biliteracy.
  • Global Seal of Biliteracy is a credential that celebrates language skills and expands future opportunities for its recipients. A uniformed standard is used to empower awardees to be a valuable asset in multilingual environments. 
  • Earners can place the seal on resumes, social media profiles, and email signatures.
graduation cap icon.

Backed by Research

  • Recent research on the rating of the Writing and Speaking sections of the Avant STAMP assessments demonstrates how Avant applies rigorous standards and rating quality checks to achieve a high degree of accuracy and reliability across all 45 language assessments.
  • Results show that across all levels, the rating of Avant STAMP 4S and STAMP WS Writing and Speaking responses is highly consistent. The American Council on Education (ACE) has conducted an extensive review of Avant’s rating processes, accuracy and reliability. Based on their review, ACE recommends Avant STAMP for college credit and placement. 
  • For more statistical detail, read the full white paper on the high degree of inter-rater reliability of Avant STAMP Speaking and Writing responses.

Pathways to Higher Enrollment

  • Recognizing students for the skills they have through competency based testing
  • Improving alignment in programs from primary and secondary schools to university

The University of Texas at Arlington built a pathway for language learners to continue their studies in higher course levels. Students are more able to complete a minor or major alongside another major when they otherwise would not have continued. 

This same pathway is available for every language offered at the University of Texas at Arlington. 

Language Assessments for Colleges and Universities


Avant PLACE will quickly, easily, and accurately, place students into appropriate courses. 

Avant PLACE goes beyond other language placement tests by measuring reading comprehension and contextualized grammar as well as writing and speaking

Faculty are given access to students’ scored speaking and writing responses. A dashboard displays demographic data, individual section scores, and a recommended placement level.

Avant will work with an institution to fine-tune reporting to fit its placement levels. 

Avant PLACE is used by many leading colleges and universities that seek a robust and turnkey placement solution.

Avant STAMP 4S

Avant STAMP 4S is the premier computer-adaptive language proficiency assessment originally developed by the Center for Applied Second Language Studies (CASLS) at the University of Oregon more than 20 years ago. 

Avant adapted the original and continues to deliver STAMP all around the world.

STAMP 4S tests Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking and is our most comprehensive assessment. This test takes, on average, two (2) hours to complete and is offered in 17 different languages. 

Reading and Listening sections are multiple-choice and computer-scored with results available immediately. The Writing and Speaking sections are scored by our expert Avant Certified Raters.


Avant STAMP WS language proficiency test is a semi-adaptive test. Test takers will be asked to answer seven (7) self-evaluation questions that best represent their skill/ability level in both the Reading and Listening sections. 

The self-evaluated Reading score is used to determine the level of prompt delivered for the Writing section. The same applies for the Listening self-evaluation related to the Speaking prompts. This allows the language productive sections to be more appropriately leveled for the test taker. 

STAMP WS takes about one (1) hour to complete. The test is fully scored by our expert Avant Certified Raters.

Avant STAMP for ASL

Avant STAMP for ASL is a first-of-its-kind American Sign Language test. It was developed for second-language learners of ASL and Children of Deaf Adults (CODA) in collaboration with Bridges Oregon. This assessment is designed for high school and college or university testing.

Test takers may be evaluated on the Receptive skill (the ability to comprehend ASL) as well as the Expressive skill (the ability to create ASL) including the use of ASL grammar. This computer-adaptive Sign Language test is conducted entirely online.

The Receptive skill is computer- adaptive and results are available immediately upon completion. The Expressive skill is scored by members of the ASL linguistics community who have undergone Avant Rater Certification training. 

You’re in good company.

Join institutions across the country in assessing their language learners. 

Case Studies

California State University

Image Advanced
The California State University.

Accuracy, consistency, and efficiency of Avant’s Placement assessment has helped students, instructors, and staff at California State University at San Bernardino develop a more successful world language program. Statistics from Cal State show that Avant’s PLACE assessment has a high level of accuracy in determining the language course level for a student. Because Avant evaluates student assessments using highly trained raters, Cal State provides relief to teachers having to be involved in student placement. However, when test evaluation indicates a student is between levels, teachers are able to step in and determine where the student belongs. Lastly, Cal State values the efficiency of Avant’s PLACE assessment; the tests are simple to administer, easy for students to use, and are completely online.

Southern Connecticut State University

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Southern Connecticut State university

Convenience, cost, objectivity, and the alignment to the ACTFL World Readiness Standards are the main reasons the World Language Department at Southern Connecticut State University chose to use STAMP 4S as its exit exam. Student progress is measured when students are administered STAMP 4S at the end of their third semester. The results provided by STAMP clearly illustrate a student’s language ability and help students understand where they are in regards to their goal of achieving an intermediate-low proficiency.

Stony Brook University

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Stony Brook Univsersity logo.

The task-force behind selecting a placement exam for all incoming SUNY students quickly awarded Avant’s Placement as the winner after an initial pilot of several other assessments. Placement was selected for several reasons, the main ones being the relationship of Placement results to the ACTFL guidelines, the speaking and writing components of the assessment, and the willingness of Avant to work with the institution to create cut scores unique to SUNY. Instructors also like the Placement feature that allows instructors to review actual student writing and speaking responses to facilitate further conversations with students in determining correct placement and ensure learner success.

Western Kentucky University 

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Western Kentucky University.

The Foreign Language Department at Western Kentucky University (WKU) uses STAMP 4S as a qualifying assessment for their general foreign language requirement. WKU students are required to show novice-high proficiency on STAMP 4S or complete 101 and 102 language courses. While no credit is given, students can test out of the foreign language requirement via STAMP 4S. WKU also places a students’ STAMP 4S proficiency level on their official transcripts.

Tulane University

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Tulane University

Tulane selected Avant PLACE to meet their need for a quick and accurate placement assessment. The foreign language requirement at Tulane includes the completion of at least one foreign language class at Tulane and demonstrated competency at the 1020/1120 level in that language. Avant PLACE was selected to be used as a placement assessment for French and Spanish students with a language ability beyond the beginning level. Avant PLACE was chosen for its many benefits, including PLACE’s online accessibility, quick return of results, and the cost and time savings it gives to instructors who no longer are burdened with placing several thousand students prior to the start of the semester.
