We are thrilled to welcome a new member to our team that brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the Dual Language Immersion field. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Gregg Roberts, our new Dual Language Innovation Coordinator.

Gregg has spent several decades in the education industry, working in various capacities including serving as the World Language & Dual Language Immersion Specialist for the Utah State Board of Education. Before taking on leadership roles Gregg also taught at both secondary and university levels. Gregg earned his BA in History, MA in French/ Comparative Literature, and Ph.D. with an emphasis in French & Education at the University of Utah.

In addition to his professional experience, Gregg has been recognized for his outstanding work by earning the 2009 National Council of State Supervisors of Foreign Languages (NCSSFL) State Supervisor of the Year award, the 2015 ACTFL Leo Benardo Award for Innovation in K-12 Language Education, and he is a recipient of the Palms Académiques from the French Government. Gregg also earned a Lifetime Achievement award from the Southwest Conference on Language Teaching (SWCOLT) in 2023.

Gregg’s expertise in Dual Language Immersion is of tremendous importance to Avant as we work to better serve the needs of immersion programs around the world. Gregg has been at the forefront of Dual Language Immersion and will continue to be a thought leader and guiding light for both Avant and the field at large.

At Avant Gregg will work with Avant MORE Learning’s new, dedicated DLI team MORE Effective Dual Language Immersion, or MEDLI for short. Gregg will apply his knowledge, expertise, and connections to further establish Avant MORE Learning as the foremost professional learning solution for DLI programs. By pairing Gregg’s proven strategies for accelerating proficiency outcomes with the accurate and reliable data produced by Avant STAMP language assessments, we can’t wait to see the results our DLI partners will accomplish by working with MEDLI.

Please join us in welcoming Gregg to our team!

Categories: Announcements,

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