Link to this sectionThe STAMP Family of Tests
Avant STAMP™ is used to measure real-world language proficiency and earn credentials like Seals of Biliteracy.

STAMP Monolingual
Link to this sectionAbout Avant STAMP
The Avant STAMP™ (STAndards-based Measurement of Proficiency) language assessment was originally created at the University of Oregon’s Center for Applied Second Language Studies (CASLS).
Its purpose is to improve language-learning outcomes, support excellence in language programs, and enable language credentialing.
Recommended for College Credit
Avant STAMP is recommended for college credit by the American Council on Education (ACE), the same educational body that has provided credit recommendations to institutions of higher education for College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations, Cambridge Assessments, and ACT subject tests. This provides opportunities for students to earn credit or be placed in higher-level courses to advance their language skills.
Universities across the U.S. are recognizing Avant STAMP and creating pathways to higher education for language learners everywhere.
Link to this sectionAvailable Languages
Avant STAMP is available in 55 languages and counting.
STAMP 4S (4-skill) assesses Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking in 15 languages for ages 13+.
STAMP 4S (4-skill) assesses Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking in 15 languages for workplaces.
STAMP 4Se (4-skill) assesses Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking in 15 languages for ages 12 and below.
STAMP WS (2-skill) assesses Writing and Speaking in 37 less commonly tested languages for ages 13+.
- Amharic
- Armenian
- Bengali
- Cabo Verdean
- Chaldean (Speaking only)
- Chin (Hakha)
- Chuukese
- Czech
- Filipino (Tagalog)
- Greek
- Haitian Creole
- Hawaiian (‘Ōlelo Hawai’i)
- Hmong
- Ilocano
- Kannada
- Khmer
- Marathi
- Marshallese
- Nepali
- Pashto
- Persian-Farsi
- Punjabi
- Samoan
- Somali Maay Maay
- Somali Maxaa
- Swahili
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Thai
- Tigrinya
- Turkish
- Ukrainian
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
- Yoruba
- Yup’ik
- Zomi
STAMP WSe (2-skill) assesses Writing and Speaking in 3 languages for ages 12 and below.
STAMP Medical
STAMP Medical (4-skill) assesses Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking in 1 language for healthcare professionals. The Writing and Speaking prompts reflect real-world healthcare situations to solicit industry-specific vocabulary and conversation.
STAMP Monolingual
STAMP Monolingual (4-skill) assesses Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking in 2 languages for heritage speakers. The instructions are in the testing language.
STAMP for ASL (2-skill) assesses the Receptive and Expressive skills for second-language learners in high school and college settings.
STAMP for Latin
STAMP for Latin (1-skill) assesses Reading of the ancient language.
Your customer service and product quality have been extraordinary.
Carolina Prestinary, CEO, INNOVA Learning Hub
Link to this sectionBenefits
Gauge Program Quality
Avant STAMP provides constructive analysis and data for language program development, enabling educators to improve learning outcomes and make more informed decisions on curriculum and training.
Measure Growth
By delivering accurate data on real-world language proficiency levels, Avant STAMP facilitates progress monitoring through the measurement of individual, group, and program growth.
Seals Of Biliteracy
Hundreds of schools, districts, and businesses choose Avant STAMP 4S, Avant STAMP WS, STAMP for ASL, STAMP for Latin, Avant SuperLanguage and the Arabic Proficiency Test to qualify test takers for Seals of Biliteracy, giving them credentials for college applications and resumes.
Avant STAMPe puts younger learners on the path to earning a Seal.
Annual Refreshes and Additions
Writing and Speaking prompts are replaced and/or supplemented every year. Reading and Listening questions are replaced on a regular schedule, based on several research criteria. This helps to ensure test security and maintain high-quality assessments.
Link to this sectionWho Uses Avant STAMP?
The Avant STAMP assessment:
- Empowers administrators to make data-informed decisions about curriculum and teacher development.
- Delivers accurate data on proficiency from Novice-Low through Advanced-High.
- Measures students’ language proficiency over time.
- Qualifies test takers for State or Global Seals of Biliteracy and Avant Digital Badges.
- Verifies skills for competency-based credits.
- Places students in appropriate level courses.
- Engages test takers with real-world content.
The Avant STAMP Pro assessment:
- Verifies language skills online, anywhere around the world.
- Enables hiring managers and supervisors to quickly and affordably match employees and candidates to job requirements.
- Saves HR time with remote proctoring through AvantProctor.
- Certify employees and recruit candidates with a Global Seal of Biliteracy and skill-based pay differentials.
- Ensures confident hiring.
Test Takers
Avant STAMP:
- Empower language learners to showcase what they CAN DO.
- Use real-world content that would be encountered in daily life.
- Support further language growth with Power-Up Suggestions and individual report visuals.
- Accelerate academic and career growth with the Global Seal of Biliteracy and Avant Digital Badges.
Avant STAMP report data and individual scores help inform teacher practice. The ability to implement STAMP at different times during the school year allowed students to see their growth which was motivating for them.
Ryan Theodoriches, Social Studies and World Languages Specialist, Evergreen Public Schools (WA)
Link to this sectionFeatures
Online, Computer-Adaptive Assessment
Adaptive tests eliminate questions that are too easy or too difficult for each test taker allowing them to reach their highest level of proficiency. All Avant assessments are developed by professional target language and assessment experts.
Fast And Easily Accessible Results
Avant STAMP Reading, Listening, and ASL Receptive results are available online immediately, and the Writing and Speaking responses are scored by Avant Certified Raters in 10-12 business days. ASL Expressive results are delivered in 20-22 business days.
Integrated with Clever and ClassLink
Clever and ClassLink are single sign-on (SSO) integrations that make rostering your test takers quick, easy, and more secure. Using these integrations means profile information is consistent. This ensures the ability to compare learner test results quickly and efficiently.
We continuously work to improve our safeguards for testing, test taker data, and proctoring integrity. Avant is compliant with the current data privacy laws and security requirements. Learn more about our Test Security and Integrity.
Cross-Device Solutions
All of Avant’s testing products are compatible with most browsers and devices, including iPads (iOS version 12+) and Chromebooks, to give you more flexibility when testing.
Note: iPads/tablets may not be used with AvantProctor. Test takers must have a computer, laptop, or Chromebook for this service.
How to Leverage Avant STAMP Data
Experienced educators Roger Burt and Bonnie Peterson share how they used the data from the Avant STAMP in the Davis School District to improve their students’ and programs’ outcomes.
User Guide Resources
Already testing with Avant STAMP? Avant offers all the materials necessary to ensure testing goes as smoothly as possible, from setting up the technology to viewing your reports.
Link to this sectionReady to Order?
Complete the contact us form for questions or answer these few questions to request a quote.